For our In-Person Services
- Wear a mask - either your own or one provided by Grace Hills
- Keep 6 feet distance from & not engage in physical contact with those outside of your household
- Wash hands & use restroom immediately before leaving your house
- Do not come if you have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 21 days
- When seating yourself, please make sure to leave 2 seats between you and another household
- Only use church bathroom if necessary
- Contact GHCC immediately if you experience any COVID-like symptoms within 21 days of your last visit to GHCC
- Be kind and patient
- If you happen to arrive after the start of service please enter quietly.
- We look forward to seeing you again on Sundays!
We remain committed to the health and safety of all of our GHCC family,
and the common good of our friends and neighbors.
It is important that we remember that the church is the gathered people of God—no matter how we are gathered. I know we long to be back together with our church families, but we are no less a church virtually than when we share the same physical space. While things may seem different and difficult for a while longer, we are the same church and the same family; let us continue to care for one another. If you find yourself or someone you love in need, please reach out to us. Tiffany, the church administrator, can be reached at 209-559-6402 or emailed at
“‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the LORD, who has compassion on you.”
Isaiah 54:10
Furthermore, please clink on the links below for federal, state, and local guidelines regarding proper health precautions. We've also included a checklist provided by the Pacific Justice Institute that is helping to guide how we conduct in-person services.